Redesign and Renew Your Wardrobe Workshop!

Thursday April 25th, 2019 – An interactive workshop on how to make old, dated, tired and unflattering clothing fantastic all over again.

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Kathy White

An interactive workshop on how to make old, dated, tired and unflattering clothing fantastic all over again.

How many times have you discarded a garment thinking if only… Before you send your item for recycling stop and think: Is there something that I can do to make me want to wear this garment again? During this workshop we will look at redesign and renewal options and services that can up-cycle your current wardrobe and make old, dated, tired and unflattering apparel fantastic all over again. Led by Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston, owner of Pick a Posie Costume Shop and a costume designer with over 25 years of remaking clothing.

Where: Queens Bakery in Blyth

When: April 25, 2019 – 7pm to 10pm

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