Common Threads – Techniques

Common Threads is an opportunity to gather together and create every Thursday night. Our Techniques nights take place every second Thursday and focus on a specific techniques, skills or practices in needle craft, fibre art and sewing. Classes are led by Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston (who has taught costume, fashion and fibre art classes for over 20 years)or sometimes guest artists. Each session will introduce you to a different technique and you will have the opportunity to create a little project or sample to take home. Topics include millinery, sewing, embroidery, felting, beading and fabric surface design. A great way to pique your interest and introduce you to something new.

No experience necessary.

March 31st – Wet Felting ($8 materials fee)
April 14th – Straight Hem Finishes ($5 materials fee)

Where: FACTS Gallery & Creative Space, 441 Queen Street, Blyth

Cost: $30 plus a small materials fee (see above)

Kathy White

March 31st – Wet Felting – Using wool roving, soapy water, foam and bubble wrap, learn how to create a small 3D wet felted bowl.

April 14th – Straight Hem Finishes – Learn the best techniques to hem straight garments using hand stitches or the sewing machine. During this session we will create a series of samples for your reference.

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