Common Threads – Introduction to Machine Sewing

Do you want to learn how to use a sewing machine? Do you want to take a class at FACTS but don’t have confidence in your machine sewing skills? Do you need a refresher on how to use a machine? Then join us for our Common Threads Techniques Class – Introduction to Machine Sewing! During this session we will review how to thread a machine, what all the buttons and levers are for and basic sewing techniques. By the end of the session you will know how to sew different kinds of seams and hems with the straight stitch on the machine.
All levels of experience welcome!
All materials provided!
You can bring your own machine or use one of ours!

When: Thursday September 29th 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: Blyth Trinity Anglican Church, 166 Dinsley Avenue
Cost: $35

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