Common Threads – Open Studio – Dec 1st

Common Threads is an opportunity to gather together and create every Thursday night. Our Open Studio classes take place every second Thursday and offer you an opportunity to work on your own personal projects. Hosted by BRØD bread & pastry at 430 Queen Street in Blyth, hot drinks and yummy treats are available during the session. Bring in whatever you are working on, knitting, crochet, felting, rug hooking or sewing, and spend some time in the company of others sharing tips, tricks and encouragement. An ironing board and iron will be available for use. Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston is on hand for advice with sewing and creative questions.

When: Thursday Dec 1st 7pm-9pm
Where: BRØD bread & pastry, 430 Queen St. Blyth
Cost: $20

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